This Friday, March 27, will be our final Swap Shop of the year. If you're in the middle of spring cleaning and have unwanted items, this is a good time to share with fellow homeschooling families and free up some space at the same time. Hope to see you then!
Please join us for our Term 4 Field Trip at 1:00 pm this Friday, March 20. We'll be touring the Council Bluffs Recycling Center. Please note that this is a later afternoon time than we normally schedule our field trips. We will watch a short video that will help us to understand more about what things are recyclable, and then we will be given a tour of the facility and learn how materials are handled and processed. I've talked to people who have taken this tour before, and they have all said that it's a fascinating tour and that they learned a lot that surprised them. We really hope that as many members as possible are able to join us. The Recycling Center is located at 4441 Gifford Rd in Council Bluffs. To reach the Recycling Center, take the Veterans' Memorial Highway (aka Hwy 92, or the old South Omaha Bridge Road) to the intersection with 24th St. Go south through the intersection, and you will be able to see the Recycling Center about one block ahead of you. The road will curve around to the right to reach the gates. Let the staff at the scale house near the gates know that you're there for the tour, and they'll tell you where to park. There is no cost for this tour, but we do ask that you please RSVP by Thursday afternoon, March 19, by 3:00 pm. PS - If you were at classes last week, we mentioned that we were planning to visit the CB Post Office. Unfortunately, the only staff member at the Post Office who gives tours learned that she must be away from the office this Friday, so they were not able to accommodate us after all. We will try to reschedule a tour with the Post Office at a later date, and are thankful that the Recycling Center staff were able and willing to work us in on such short notice.