
First 'Swap Shop' is September 27

Start saving your unwanted items now!

Once a month, members have a chance to 'swap' goods at the Swap Shop for FREE.
There will be no items 'sold' at the Swap Shop, and no money exchanged. 

You most likely have items that you 'get rid of' or 'donate' each month. 
Why not share those items with Mindful members before passing them onto area shelters? 

Just a suggestion... keep a reusable grocery bag in your pantry or hall closet.
Throughout the month, fill it up with items you would normally donate and bring
them to the Swap Shop instead!

This is a great way to share homeschool curriculum, books, toys, puzzles, games, household items, clothing, baby items, etc. 

Simply bring items you no longer use, and take items you think you can use.

Leftover items will be donated to area shelters and/or charities.

Swap Shop will begin at 9:00 a.m. (30 minutes before co-op) and run until 12:15.

This event is now on our CALENDAR.

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