WHO is behind MLC?
Mindful Learning Center (MLC) is a homeschool cooperative founded by Christian moms wanting to provide a safe and fun environment for their children to gather and develop lasting relationships.  Our membership welcomes families of all backgrounds who share our mission to unite the homeschool body in faith, life, and learning. MLC's Founding Members (in no particular order) are Penny Julian, Lisa Orsi, Jo Raymond, Leah Shannon, and Jenny Trail

WHY choose MLC?
As homeschool families, we know you have a lot on your 'plate'.  Think of MLC as a big healthy buffet of activities, classes, and events.  Find what works for your family, enjoy it, and come back for more!  For this reason, MLC offers as much flexibility as we possibly can.  No reason to be overwhelmed by all that we have to offer, simply choose what you want to attend, and leave the rest.  It's really that simple! 

WHAT is taught at MLC?
While we may offer a class titled 'Rocket Science' because students would certainly flock to that super cool topic... unfortunately it will probably not be taught by an actual rocket scientist.  MLC pools resources from its members and the community to provide students with engaging learning experiences.  While our classes and activities should not be a substitute for curriculum you would teach at home, we hope it is a nice addition to your homeschool learning.  MLC understands that as homeschool parents we want to be mindful of the people and content to which our children are exposed.  Although some classes/activities may be taught from a Christian or Biblical perspective, we do not intend to teach religious doctrine of any kind.  Class descriptions will be provided to guide members to choose what content is appropriate for their child(ren).  If you have any questions about what is being taught at the Mindful Learning Center, please feel free to contact us for more information.

WHEN does MLC meet?
Mindful Learning Center operates all year, meeting several times throughout the month for co-op classes (held on Fridays), group activities, and member events.  Our official calendar year begins in September of each year.  To find out about specific MLC events, please see our CALENDAR for times and dates.

WHERE are MLC events?
MLC event locations and details will always be posted on our CALENDAR and NEWS pages.  Our co-op classes are currently held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 239 Frank Street in Council Bluffs.

  • Year-round activities and events (...or take the summer off!)
  • Co-op Classes for PreK-High School (Nursery Available)
  • Physical Education Classes for PreK-8th Grades 
  • Educational and Fun Field Trips
  • Group Parties for all ages (Valentine's Day Party, Pre-Summer Party...)
  • "Let's do Lunch" (group picnics in the park) 
  • Monthly Mindful Mom's Night Out (try saying that fast ten times!)
  • AND so much more! 
Ready to join MLC?  Apply for membership any time of the year by simply filling out our Online Membership Application!