Mindful Learning Center relies on volunteers to ensure its success and sustainability. Having said that, most parents and students wanting to join the center would like to know what they are 'getting into'.  So, we have created a simple explanation of what is required of our group members and listed our policies.

An annual $30 membership fee per family is required.  

This $30 fee is due prior to your participation in any Mindful Learning Center event/class/activity.  Please pay your annual fee to a founding member when you attend your first MLC event/class/activity.

Families are free to join the Mindful Learning Center at any time throughout the year.  The annual fee will not be prorated if you are joining the group late in the year. You would simply pay a $30 fee, which will carry your membership until August 31st.  All memberships expire August 31st and can be renewed at any time.

There may be additional class fees to be determined by the instructor.
You will be made aware of these fees, if applicable, at the time of class registration.  
Some field Trips may have additional admission fees. 

If you would like to withdraw your membership after October 10th,
registration and class fees will not be refunded for the school year.

We require our parent/legal guardian members to exhibit a willingness, coupled with flexibility, to assist with whatever duties need to be done to encourage a positive environment within the group.  These duties may include, but are not limited to, offering your talents by teaching, aiding a teacher, guiding field trips, shopping to gather materials, set-up and clean-up, etc.  

One parent member from each MLC family is required to sign up for at least one TEAM for the MLC school year. If you are unfamiliar with our TEAMS system, please visit our TEAMS page for more information.

Parents/Legal Guardians are expected to be present when their children are involved in any Mindful Learning Center gatherings/classes/events/activites.  This is your group, so without your involvement, we do not exist. 

If for some reason you need leave an event unexpectedly, please take your children with you.  If you need to send your children with another responsible adult, we require the following:
(1) You, as a parent, designate another adult (not an older sibling) to be responsible for your non-nursery-aged children prior to the MLC activity, by providing MLC with written notification of the adult's name, relationship to your children, and their contact information.  This means that you have entrusted your children to that adult, and that they are responsible for your children for the duration of the MLC activity.  Please do not assume that you may send your children with someone else without notifying MLC in advance. (2) The responsible adult will identify themselves to a Founding Member upon arrival at the event, and will verify the previously supplied contact information with a Founding Member. (3) Any adult sent in a parent's stead is expected to remain on the premises for the entire event and to volunteer in the parent's place.

We strongly prefer that this scenario would happen only in extraordinary circumstances, and that it would be the exception rather than the rule.  The expectation is that parents will attend MLC events with their own children and will contribute to and participate in the success of MLC events.  If a member apprears to be abusing the above provision, which is intended to accomodate unusual situations only, that member may be addressed by the Founding Members.  

**Under no circumstances should any child be in attendance at any MLC event without a responsible adult on the premises at all times, either that child's Parent or Legal Guardian, or an adult designated by that parent in advance per the requirements above.**

Our students are expected to keep a positive attitude.  Students should be respectful of others bodies, personal space, and property.  Students should come to their classes prepared with supplies if requested by their instructor.  It is important that students know that the facility is being offered to us to use, but is also used for other purposes.  We shall not be disruptive, loud, or run in the hallways.  Our students are expected to be respectful of others who are working in or using the building for other purposes.  We want to demonstrate how appreciative we are for use of the facility by our actions.  

If a student member is highly disruptive while attending a Mindful Learning Center class/event, they will be immediately removed from the activity by another adult member.  At this point it will be explained to the student that they must choose to change their disruptive behavior in order to return to the classroom/activity.  If the student's disruptive behavior continues after rejoining the class/activity, they will be escorted by an adult member to their parent/guardian.  This child will not be able to rejoin the group for the remainder of the day. If a child needs to be removed from a class/activity more than three times, Mindful Learning Center reserves the right to expel that student from further activity for the remainder of the school year.  Fees will not be refunded in the event that a student is expelled.  It is suggested that you explain this discipline policy to your children.  Teachers will be asked to review this policy with the students on the first day of class.

Students are responsible for attending each class or activity for which they are registered.  Class instructors, field trip organizers, party coordinators, etc. have made commitments and spent time preparing for each student.  We realize that when homeschooling, your schedule might not allow you to be present for everything you have signed up to attend.  For each class/field trip/activity parents will be informed of how to handle absences.  This may include calling an instructor, emailing an activity coordinator, or in some instances like a group picnic, no correspondence will be necessary. 

If keeping a sick child home, well children may only attend classes if a parent/guardian is present with them. 

Children with the following symptoms should not attend group activities:
  1. Fever (within the last 24 hours)
  2. Colored mucus (yellow or green runny nose)
  3. Diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea
  4. Eye drainage, pink eye, or other eye infections
  5. Virus or infection (known to be contagious)
  6. Rashes (known to be contagious)
  7. Head Lice
This list is obviously not all-inclusive; please use your best judgment when deciding whether or not to expose other members to illness.


In case of snow or ice, please check the radio, television, or Internet and follow the Council Bluffs Public School District closure decisions. If the public schools close, Mindful Learning Center will be closed for the day and all activities/classes/events will be cancelled. If the school district decides to have a 'late start', we will make cancellation decisions based on the road conditions at the time. We will email our members, post to our Facebook page, and update the NEWS section of this website with any cancellations. 

All members of the Mindful Learning Center are expected to clean up after themselves.  This includes student members and adult members.  If we leave everything as we found it, we should have no problems in this area.  Students and adult members should not leave any room/building before it is returned to its original state.  If we find that this policy is being overlooked, we will address the matter with the individuals responsible for the area in question and simply ask for more cooperation.


Mindful Learning Center does not employ instructors. They are under the employment of the families who have a student attending his/her class. We are simply a co-op at which instructors and students can convene, providing assistance for homeschool enrichment.  Founding Members do, however, maintain supervisory authority.