
Thank YOU, MLC Members


Just want to give a quick 'SHOUT OUT' to all the parents who were at the MLC Co-op Classes last week!  It ran super smooth with the exception of a few hiccups (to be expected in the first few weeks), but our members have rolled with the changes and completely exceeded our expectations!

Sure, you have the founding members who got this MLC ball rolling, but we all know the success of this group relies on it's membership!  We just want to say thanks for jumping in and lending a hand where needed last week!!!

Remember, once you become a member, MLC is YOUR homeschool group.  If you have any suggestions, questions, comments...our ears are open!  Drop us an email us at MindfulLearningCenter@gmail.com anytime!

P.S.  Just a reminder... some members thought we only meet once a month or every other week for Co-op Classes.  We meet almost every Friday, except the first one of the month (and those that are around holidays.)  I encourage all members to familiarize themselves with our ONLINE CALENDAR.  It might also be helpful to review the year at a glance below, which can also be found on our CLASSES webpage.

  • 2013-14 co-op classes held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church239 Frank Street in Council Bluffs.
  • 2013-14 Co-op Classes will have FOUR TERMS.  (September - April)
  • Classes will be held on Fridays.
  • Each TERM runs FOUR nonconsecutive weeks of co-op classes, with ONE additional week for a field trip, totaling FIVE nonconsecutive weeks/term.
  • We will NOT meet on the first Friday of each month.
  • We will NOT meet on the Friday after Thanksgiving or Good Friday before Easter.
  • Christmas Break will be from 12/14 - 1/9.
  • We will also be offering TWO SUMMER TERMS.  (May - July)
  • There will be a separate registration for the summer terms in April.
  • We will NOT meet in August 2014.  This is when we will plan for next year.

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