
Share the Love...

On January 31st (during co-op classes) MLC members who meet in the coffee room will have a fun little J-O-B.  We are asking that you take a few minutes to plan the Valentine's Day Party for our students!

Sounds simple, right?!  That's because it is!

No need to worry because we have already taken the guesswork out of it.  We have a spreadsheet ready... all you will need to do is fill in the blanks with your ideas and discuss who wants to gather materials, make goodies, coordinate activities, etc.  You will have a good sized budget to work with.

This is a fun way to work together and create a memorable day for our kid-os!

P.S. If you have never planned anything like this, no worries. Come, share your ideas, enjoy yourselves, laugh with each other or at each other, whatever works for you.

P.S.S. Remember this is YOUR co-op, this is a great opportunity to get involved! After all, it is Valentine's Day, SHARE THE LOVE, people.

P.S.S.S. If no one shows up for the planning meeting due to this post, just know that we will hold a party for your kids, but you might not be invited.  We may ask that you wait in the car.

{Just kidding......well.....maybe.}

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