
09-12-14 Announcements

We are going to begin posting a weekly recap of pertinent announcements, for those who were absent or were unable to hear the announcements.

1. Thank you to everyone who attended our first day of classes, and thanks to everyone who helped out this morning. We're excited to have a larger number of students this year, and we will be making a few adjustments over the next couple of weeks in order to help things run more smoothly. Thank you in advance for your patience as we smooth out the rough edges.

2. If you have not already done so, please take a moment to fill out a MEMBERSHIP Application and REGISTER your students for classes.

3. MLC will hold Swap Shop again this year. Swap Shop is a FREE, MLC Members-only garage sale, where you can bring useful but unwanted items from home to share with others who might be able to use them. No money changes hands. You do not have to bring something to take something.

We do ask that any items that don’t find new homes go back home with their original owners at the end of the day. In other words, please take your leftovers back home with you.

We are going to hold Swap Shop on the THIRD CLASS DAY OF EACH TERM, so that you know when to expect it. Those dates are already on MLC’s CALENDAR, and we will remind everyone during announcements as we approach those dates.

4. Our first Mindful Mom’s Night Out for the new year is in just a few days, on Monday Sept. 15th. This month's destination will be announced shortly, so watch your inboxes. We hope you can join us for an evening of food and fun!

5. If you’re new to our calendar, we meet most Fridays except major holiday weeks and the first Friday of each month. We skip that first Friday so that members can attend HOPE meetings if they choose. So, we will meet again next Friday, September 19 for classes.

You can view our complete CALENDAR here on the website. If you’re a Google Calendar user, you can request that we share our calendar with you.

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