
10-10-14 Announcements

1. Thank you to everyone who brought items to share at our first Swap Shop of the year. We hope that many families found useful items to take home. Our next Swap Shop will be on Friday, November 21.

2. A calendar reminder for all members: Next week, Friday, October 17, will be a regular class day at St. Paul's, NOT a field trip as previously scheduled. We are using next Friday as a make-up day for the classes we needed to cancel a few weeks ago.

3. Mindful Mom's Night Out is this coming Monday, October 13 at 6:30 pm. We'll be visiting Shuck's Fish House and Oyster Bar. Further details to follow soon - we hope you can join us!

4. Term 2 will be starting soon! Thank you to everyone who signed up for Term 2 Helper spots this morning. We will have the sign up sheet available again next Friday, and hope to have all the spots covered by then, so that we are organized and prepared in advance of the first day of the new Term. Thanks to everyone who has been pitching in to help make things run.

See you next week!

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