
Vala's Pumpkin Patch - Thursday

We are headed to Vala's Pumkin Patch this week!  Thursday, October 9th, we will meet at the front gate at 9 am.  The pumpkin patch is always more fun with friends, so come out to join us! 

A few notes about the trip:
  • You should bring your MLC membership card.  This is a requirement of Vala's, to show proof that you are a homeschool family with our group. (If you forget, you may have to pay full price addmission.  If you haven't received your membership card, send us an email and someone will bring it to Vala's for you.)
  • Prices for adults and older students, ages 13 and over, are $7.25. Includes Admission, Train Ride, all attractions and live shows. Babies, ages 2 and under, are free.  You can pay at the gate.
  • You must pre-register by Wednesday morning at 9am to get a special addmission rate for this field trip.  To sign up for the field trip, simply send us an email at MindfulLearningCenter@gmail.com with your name and the names of the children and/or adults coming with you.  ****Vala's staff said that any parents or children not on our "pre-registration list" will pay full price addmisssion.***

For more information about the location, visit http://www.valaspumpkinpatch.com

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