
01.09.15 Announcements

Thanks to everyone who bundled up against the cold and joined us for the start of Term 3! Welcome to a few new and newly returning members!

Just a few CALENDAR reminders to point out: 

  • Mom's Night Out is this coming Monday, January 12th. We're planning to go to Omaha's Greek Islands restaurant. More details and an RSVP form to follow soon.
  • We meet again for classes next Friday, January 16th.
  • We'll be holding Swap Shop in two weeks, on Friday, January 23rd.

Our Valentine's Day Party is also approaching on Friday, February 13th. We'd like to ask for three or four moms to volunteer to plan the party. There is a budget available for treats and decorations. Any interested moms should let one of the Founding Members know that they'd like to participate.

See you next week!

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