
02.27.15 Announcements

Thank you to everyone who jumped in and helped this morning. We're very grateful for members who are willing to lend a hand where needed!  There are still a few helper spots that will need to be filled next week, especially 2nd Period PE and some extra help in the nursery. 

We do not meet next week. Our next regular class day is two weeks from today, Friday, March 13. Please check our CALENDAR for more details.

Several students from the 3rd-5th grade science class wanted the directions for the two polymer projects we did this morning. HERE is the recipe for Flubber. This stuff turned out really well, and the texture continues to improve as the afternoon goes on.  The recipe for the bouncing balls is HERE.  These were much less successful. We used white glue. The directions do say that you can use clear glue, but Elmer's Blue Gel glue did NOT work well in the test I did at home. 

Stay warm and stay safe this weekend, everyone. See you in two weeks!


Classes Resume this Friday

Hello, MLC friends!

This is just a quick reminder that Term 4 classes begin this Friday, February 27th, with Opening Announcements at 9:30 am.

The four class dates for Term 4 are spread out over nearly two months, with several breaks for holidays, a field trip, etc. Please take a quick look at our CALENDAR to get familiar with the schedule for the next several weeks. 

Due to several last-minute changes in teaching staff and classes, we have not yet put out a Helper Sign-up Sheet for Term 4. SO, we will need to take care of that on the fly on Friday morning, just before classes begin. We may still have some needs for PE leaders in addition to the other regular helper spots. Please prayerfully consider where you can help out for the final term of the year.

See you Friday!


Arts Center Field Trip Reminder

If you're planning to attend this Friday's field trip to IWCC's Arts Center, and you have not already RSVP'd, please remember to do so.

The original post with full details and RSVP form can be found here. Please RSVP by 2pm tomorrow, Wednesday, February 18 if you plan to come.

We hope to see you there!


Term 3 Field Trip - IWCC Fine Arts Center

Have you ever been to a play at a theater and wondered about the lights, curtains, or set pieces? Have you ever been to a live concert and wondered how the sound system or the backstage areas work? Now's your chance to find out!

Join us at 9:30 am on Friday, February 20, 2015 for a guided tour of the Fine Arts Center at Iowa Western Community College. The tour will include visits to music and technical theater classrooms, the scene shop where large set pieces are constructed, the innovative and modular Black Box Theater, and the main theater and stage including backstage operations areas, lighting systems, fly rail system, sound booth, spotlight system, and more.

Most guests who attend plays or concerts never get to see the behind-the-scenes areas and equipment that make those performances possible. Come learn how a busy, working theater really operates! 

More info about the Arts Center can be found here.  Driving directions to campus are here, and a campus map is available here. Follow Iowa Western Blvd. all the way around to Parking Lot 32 on the map. 

IWCC classes will be in recess for staff development on the day of the field trip, so parking should be plentiful. You can park near the main front entrance to the Fine Arts Center (pictured above), and gather in the main lobby to begin the tour.

There is no charge for parking or for the tour, but we do need to ask that you please use the form below to RSVP by 2 pm on Wednesday, February 18, so that we have a decent head count. We hope to see you then!


Valentine's Day Party - Friday, February 13th

Love is in the air!  

We are having a Valentine's Party for all MLC students (and parents) on February 13th at 9:30 a.m.  Children of all ages are welcome to participate.  There will be scheduled fun activities and social time with snacks provided.  There is no cost to members for this event and all materials and snacks will be provided.  (We will provide gluten free and nut free snack options.)

NOTE: LOCATION CHANGE - The Valentine's Party will be held at the Council Bluffs Public Library, 400 Willow Avenue in Council Bluffs.  We will meet in Room B at 9:30 a.m.

We are asking students ages PreK and up to bring their own Valentine's cards to share with their classmates.  Students will be making a craft box or envelope to store their cards in, so if they want to participate in this activity, they should bring cards to exchange.  Of course, it is not mandatory that a student exchange cards to attend the party.  Each student should bring somewhere around 15-30 cards.

No need to run out and spend a bunch of money on pre-made cards!  Have your students make some homemade cards with stickers, typing paper, construction paper, crayons, etc.  Get crafty!  Just have them sign their names on their cards, but don't address them to any specific student.  

Hope to see you there!