


UPDATE: 10:00 AM Friday, Sept 18 - Park Day CANCELLED due to severe weather.

Dear MLC Members,

We hate to do this, especially after our last-minute decision to go to Carsten's Farm Days last week, but we have no choice but to CANCEL CLASSES for this FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2015.

Our hosts at St. Paul's are extremely generous and accommodating, but once in a rare while, circumstances occur in which they must put the needs of their church family over MLC's needs. This Friday morning is just such a circumstance - we've just learned that St. Paul's will be in use for the funeral services of a church member during the time that MLC would normally meet. These situations don't happen often, but when they do we must be understanding of the fact that we are guests, and that the church's ministry to its members must come first.

We did do some calling around to see if we could plan an alternate field trip, but unfortunately we haven't been able to find a venue where 150+ people can just drop in with so little notice. 

So, we're planning an informal park day at Dreamland Playground at Lake Manawa State Park. For returning members, this is the same park where we've met several times over the summer. For new members, the park features a very large and elaborate playground structure, shaded benches and picnic tables, plenty of parking, and bathrooms nearby. There's also a large, flat, grassy area, so bring your Frisbees, soccer balls, or any other outdoor play gear that you'd like to enjoy.  We'll meet at 10:00 am - bring sack lunches if you like, and perhaps a picnic blanket or lawn chairs.

If the weather is poor and we're forced to cancel the park day, we'll post it here on our website on Friday morning. Cross your fingers that that doesn't happen, but if the skies are threatening, check here before heading out.

PLEASE NOTE:  In order to make up for the lost day of classes, we're eliminating the Core Field Trip for Term 1, originally planned for Friday, October 16, and holding regular classes that day instead. So, teachers and all other members can plan on the following three class days for Term 1: September 25, October 9, and October 16

Friends, we're sorry to throw so many last-minute changes at you over the past couple of weeks, but this one was out of our control. Thank you for being flexible and understanding. We'll get the first day of classes off the ground soon, we promise! We look forward to seeing you at the park, and at classes on Friday the 25th.

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