
Field Trip to the Circus - Feb. 19th

MLC is joining the circus going to the circus!!!  

On February 19th, the Shrine Circus has invited us to attend their performance at 1 p.m. The Shriner's have decided to sponsor our admission, so this event is free of charge for MLC families.

While it is free for us, it is important to note that many sponsorships and donors to the Shrine Circus have made this possible.  We are grateful for their generousity and kind invitation to this event.

This performance has been designed for those in our community with special needs and/or physical disabilities.  They have been kind enough to allow our homeschool group to join them for this performance.  It is only because the Shriner's feel we are capable of keeping our kids under control that they asked us to join them for this special event.  If you plan to attend, please be mindful of those needing extra care or time in moving about the building and while seated.  Again, this program is designed for them and we are simply guests at their event.  Please talk with your children about kindness and respect for those with physical and/or mental disabilities while at this event.  It is important that we represent the homeschool community in a positive way.


  • Circus performance is on Friday, February 19th at 1pm. at the Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs.
  • There is a posibility that we might be offered an optional 'behind the scenes' tour prior to the circus.  There is also a possibility that this won't pan out.  More details will be posted here on this website post as they surface next week. 
  • All members wanting to attend, MUST RSVP by Monday, January 1st.  This is just a few days away, so please RSVP right away.  (I apologize for needing such a quick turnaround, but we were not able to confirm our invitation until yesterday.)
  • Those that RSVP will need to obtain their tickets from Lisa Orsi prior to the show.  It is unclear if an emailed copy will work, or if you will need to make arrangements to pick those up.  Either way, tickets are required for this performance. Ticket information will be posted next week right here on this web page.
  • RSVP BELOW (If you are reading this in your inbox, the RSVP form will NOT appear, you need to go to our actual website posting to RSVP.)


Valentine's Day Party - Feb 12th

Hello!  MLC will hold it's annual Valentine's Day Party on Friday, February 12th, 2016, at 10 a.m. at the Council Bluffs Public Library.  This party will be in place of co-op classes that day.

This event is FREE to MLC Members, but you must RSVP for this event if you plan to attend.  This will ensure that our party planners have enough goodies for each child.

Each child is asked to bring 20-30 cards for their peers.  These do not need to be store-bought.  Please encourage your kids to make their cards!  Last year the kids had a blast at this event!

This party is for kids of all ages.  While some of the activities and crafts are geared for the younger kids, we encourage all MLC students to come and join the fun.  Older students could certainly help facilitate all of the activities that are simultaneously going on in one room!

If you would like to join us for this event, please RSVP below by February 2nd.



While the Council Bluffs School District may be open, MLC has decided to close our doors today.

Due to the road conditions we will NOT have co-op classes today, January 8, 2016.  

We will resume classes next Friday.  Stay safe and warm!
If you have friends who attend MLC and may not get this message, please call them.  Thank you.


Field Trip - The Rose Theater - January 28th

The Mindful Learning Center is partnering with The Rose Theater to offer our students a LIVE musical adventure!   We will head to the Rose Theater on Thursday, January 28, 2016, to see the production The Lightning Thief, adapted from the Percy Jackson book series by Rick Riordan.
  • If you would like to join us, please RSVP below by January 12th at 12p.m.
  • One parent/teacher is admitted free of charge. Additional adults are welcome for $5 each.
  • $5 per child 3 years and older (2 and younger are free if sitting on a lap or you are free to purchase a seat for your younger child for $5) 
  • Payment must be received by January 19th.  No refunds. Please make checks out to MLC and send to 710 William Street, Omaha, NE, 68108. Payments will also be accepted at co-op.
  • We will meet in the lobby at 12:40 to confirm our reservation and be escorted to our seats by the ushers by 12:45.  Punctuality is simply vital for this type of event.   Latecomers and/or 'No Shows' reflect poorly on our entire group and latecomers will be seated only at the House Manager’s discretion.
  • The production begins at 1:00. 
  • Parents must accompany their children unless another attending adult (over the age of 19) has agreed to accept responsibility for them.
  • Please allow yourself time to find parking, and bring quarters for the parking meters. The theater does not offer change for the parking meters.
  • Rose Theater productions will be cancelled if Omaha Public Schools have a weather related closure.  If this happens, our reservations and tickets will be held for another performance.
  • Any questions about this trip can be emailed to MindfulLearningCenter@gmail.com