
03.11.16 Announcements

  • Our Term 4 Field Trip is this coming week, but has been moved to Thursday, March 17. Details are available on the original post. Please RSVP as soon as possible if you plan to attend.
  • There are now no scheduled MLC events for Friday, March 18.
  • We do meet for regularly scheduled classes on Friday, March 25m which is Good Friday. Please see our CALENDAR for a list of remaining MLC events this spring. 
  • Our Summer Kick-off Party is next month. We could use around 15 adult and/or high school age volunteers to help with games and activities. Details including an RSVP form and volunteer sign-up form will be posted shortly.
  • Thank you to all parents who were able to attend our informational meetings during classes last Friday. For anyone who was not able to join us, we will be repeating the meetings during both first and second periods on March 25. If you are planning to be part of MLC next year (and we hope that you are!) please try to attend that morning if at all possible. We're talking about our plans and changes for next year - ideally, we'd like to have a parent from every family attend. 

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