
09-19-14 Announcements

1. Thanks to everyone for being flexible this morning, as we put some new procedures into place to help things run more smoothly. If you have not had a chance to read through the new procedures, please take a moment to review them HERE.

2. Next Friday, September 26, we'll hold our first Swap Shop of the year. Watch for further details and updates next week.

3. We have one core field trip scheduled per term, for a total of four for the regular school year. More info on those will follow, but you can check dates on our CALENDAR now.

Any member is welcome to plan and schedule a supplemental field trip or outing at any time, other than Friday mornings. There is a very simple form under the FIELD TRIPS tab to make the process easy. Want to schedule a bowling day, a trip to an apple orchard, or a museum visit? Just use that form and see who's available.

4. If you're on Facebook and haven't liked Mindful Learning Centers's FACEBOOK PAGE, we'd invite you to do so. The page wasn't too active last year - we wondered if members might not be sure whether or not they were allowed to post there. The answer is YES! If you see an article that would be of interest to your homeschooling peers, share it! Want to see who's up for a spontaneous trip to the park or the library? Post and see who's around. Have a question that other members might be able to answer - ask away! Our Facebook page is as much your community and your co-op as our weekly classes are.

We just ask that you keep it friendly and respectful - recognizing that while we have much in common as homeschoolers, we also have many differences of opinion - and keep things at least loosely on topic. If you have something homeschool-related, such as curriculum, that you'd like to sell, you may post that, but please do not advertise home-based businesses or other non-homeschool household items for sale. There are other, more appropriate forums for those topics, and we don't want the FB page to become a commercial or a virtual garage sale. Otherwise, feel free to use the page to connect with and stay in touch with other MLC members between classes and events.

That's all for the moment, friends! Watch for more details on Swap Shop later in the week, and we'll see you next Friday!

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