
New Procedures for Classes

We were so excited to see months of planning and hard work come together for our first week of classes, and we are very thankful to all those who pitched in to help.

We do need to make a few adjustments in order to accommodate the larger numbers of students we have this year, especially in the younger grades. Please look through these before classes tomorrow morning.


1. If at all possible, please take your young children to the restroom before and after co-op classes. Any student who needs to use the restroom can do so when needed, but we won’t be taking scheduled, group restroom breaks. There are three bathrooms near the Fellowship Hall on the lower level, and more near the top of the stairs.

2. The only water fountain is also at the top of the stairs. It takes too long and causes too much commotion in the hallway to have kids use that water fountain after PE classes, so we’ll have paper cups for water in the gym for kids who are in PE.

3. We need to use the coffee/donut room, on the far side of the Fellowship Hall, for a class. Moms who are not helping in a classroom can instead gather in the Heritage Room, which you pass through to get into the Fellowship Hall.

4. We will be using the Fellowship Hall, the kitchen, and the former coffee room for classes, so please keep doors in and around the Fellowship Hall closed as much as possible, and be mindful of noise and disruptions.

5. When using the hallways, please be considerate of classes in session, and especially of the St. Paul’s office staff working upstairs. We know we can’t always keep kiddos quiet when switching classes, but we’d like to try our best to keep disruptions to a minimum.


1. We have name tags for Nursery aged kids, and also for the PreK-K students. Please pick up name tags for kids in those age groups when you arrive Friday morning.

2. Babies and toddlers should NOT leave the nursery with students or older siblings. Only adults can take babies out of the nursery.

3. We may offer simple snacks such as animal crackers to nursery and PreK-K students. If your child has any food allergies and you have not already informed us, please do so right away using this FORM.


1. With more students, we need to be a bit more orderly about our schedule.  We'd like to get started promptly at 9:30 each week. Punctuality can be difficult with small children, but please try very hard to join us on time for prayer and announcements each week.

2. We also plan to dismiss kids to classes from the Fellowship Hall in a more orderly fashion, since we have so many little ones.

3. We’re going to try to ring the bell twice between each class:
     a. First bell, at 10:35 and 11:35
          3rd-5th and 6th-12th grades switch classes 
          PreK-K and 1st-2nd grades clean up

     b. Second bell, at 10:40 and 11:40
          PreK-K and 1st-2nd grades switch classes

If for some reason we get tied up and can’t get to the bell, please watch the clocks.

9:30 - 9:45 Opening Time 
in Fellowship Hall
9:45-10:35 1st Hour Classes (50 minutes)
10:35 - 10:45 Clean-up / Switch Classes (10 minutes)
10:45 - 11:35 2nd Hour Classes (50 minutes)
11:35 - 11:45 Clean-up / Go to Closing (10 minutes) 
11:45 - 12:00 Closing Time in Fellowship Hall

As always, thank you for your patience and flexibility as we deal with the little things that crop up, and for your willingness to help make MLC a success.

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