
10.17.14 Announcements

We start Term 2 next Friday, 10-24-14.  Thank you to everyone for helping make Term 1 a success!

Many Term 1 classes will continue into Term 2, but we will have printed copies of the rosters on hand Friday morning if anyone needs to double check where their students are supposed to go.

Thank you for the wonderful response from many of you in signing up for helper spots. The sign up sheet is nearly full!  There are still a few open spots, in order of priority: 

     1. Second hour Legos with the 3rd-5th Grade needs two adults
     2. Second hour PE with the 3rd-5th Grade has a teacher, but we need a helper
     3. We could use up to two more Nursery workers first hour, and one second hour

If you are participating in classes in Term 2 and do not yet have a helper spot, please email us or message us on Facebook to let us know which of those jobs would suit you best.

Thanks again to everyone for their helping spirit and willingness to share the work. 

See you next week!

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