
10.31.14 Announcements

Oops! I forgot to post a recap of last week's announcements. Just a few calendar reminders for everyone:

  • We do not meet this Friday, November 7th. The first Friday of each month is left open for members who wish to attend Hope meetings.
  • Next Monday, November 10th is Mindful Mom's Night Out. Watch your emails for further details.
  • Next Friday, November 14th is our Term 2 Field Trip. We're ironing out the final details and will post more information soon.
  • Our next regular class day at St. Paul's is Friday, November 21. That's the 3rd class day of the term, so we'll be holding Swap Shop. It's a great chance to clear out some clutter in time for the holidays!

We look forward to seeing as many MLC families as possible at our upcoming events. Have a great week homeschooling, everyone!

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