
11.21.14 Announcements

We only have two more events on the calendar for 2014:

  • Mindful Mom's Night Out on Monday, December 8th. Watch the website for the destination announcement closer to that date.
  • Regularly scheduled classes on Friday, December 12th. That's the final day of Term 2.

Term 3 begins on January 9, 2015. A Helper Sign-Up Sheet for Term 3 was started this morning and will be available again at classes on Friday, December 12th. Helper spots are first-come, first-served, so sign up early to reserve your preferred spot. All members who participate in a term are required to sign up somewhere on the sheet, and helper spots are for the full 4-week term.

If you have not already done so, please review this week's earlier post about communication within MLC here

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