
Communication is Key

This is just a friendly reminder about the ways in which MLC communicates with our members.  We have had several members express that they either did not receive information about our events or didn't know where to find the information.  There are several reasons why you may not be getting our emails or reminders.  We will go through them here...

OUR MAIN LINE OF COMMUNICATION is through our website.  When you become a member, we subscribe you to our NEWS feed, so that you receive all of our latest posts in your inbox.  IMPORTANT NOTE: YOU MUST ACTIVATE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION or you will be missing out on having our NEWS posts come to your inbox.  Many of you have NOT activated your subscriptions.  If you haven't, you should have received an email within the last few days asking for you to click on a link within the email to activate.  Please do this!  For example, this post on the website would come directly to your inbox if your account were activated, so that you don't have to check the website for our latest NEWS.

Secondly, we have the CALENDAR on our website.  This has often been a point of confusion for some, so let's clarify.  ALL CURRENTLY PLANNED MLC EVENTS ARE ON THE CALENDAR.  These dates were chosen in advance of the 'school year' and set aside for MLC events.  The ONE component of our events that will almost always be decided at the 'last minute' is the destination of our events.  For instance, our term field trip dates are already planned, but where we are going might be a mystery until the week of the event.  We will always do our best to give adequate notice, but you may have to check the NEWS feed or the CALENDAR for event details, locations, and times just before the event takes place.  This system allows you to put the event on your own calendar months in advance of the event, then check back for details prior to the event.

FACEBOOK: Many of our members use Facebook, but just as many DO NOT USE Facebook.  Facebook is simply an extra place to post our information, but should NOT be relied upon or used as a substitute to our website NEWS feed. If you are on Facebook and using MLC's page, you may review our Facebook Policy HERE.

IMPORTANT: It has come to our attention that there are some people who are attending MLC who have not yet registered as members.  If you have not registered your family online, please do this now by applying for MEMBERSHIP.  It only takes a few minutes to apply, and this way we have your information to be able to communicate with you.  If you are not signed up, this would explain why you are not receiving our emails.  All members, even returning members, will need to submit this form each year.  This will ensure we have up-to-date records every year.  (Many of you would have done this before September.)

Another reminder: If you have not paid your annual fee of $30, please do so this Friday at the co-op.  If we do not have your payment marked in our records, you will receive an email reminder.  If you have paid and we are in error, please just let us know.  This money is used for parties and events, and a donation is made to the church for the use of the facility.

Hopefully this clears things up a bit!  If you have questions or need technical support, please send us an email at MindfulLearningCenter@gmail.com

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