
01.30.15 Announcements

We're now finished with regular classes for Term 3. Thank you to everyone who helped us make things work, and thank you again for your flexibility as we've juggled quite a few last-minute changes.  

We do not meet again for classes for four more weeks, with our next regular class on Friday, February 27.  Please take a look ahead on the CALENDAR at what is scheduled for the Fridays in February:

  • February 6: no MLC events.
  • February 13: Valentine's Day party??? - please see below.
  • February 20: Term 3 Field Trip.  Details to follow soon.
  • February 27: Term 4 classes begin. 

Valentine's Day Party: We're still searching for an alternate venue, but haven't found anything workable yet. If you know of a place where we could hold the party, please let us know ASAP. Another church building might work well. If we don't find something within the next few days, we'll postpone the party and try again on a different date with a different theme.

Term 4: We were planning to have a helper sign-up sheet at classes yesterday, but first we need to do a little juggling and reorganizing of teaching spots, etc. before we know what spots need to be filled.  We'll create an online helper sign-up post here on the website as we get closer to that date. Please be watching for that in the coming weeks, and prayerfully consider where you'd like to serve. As always, we want to say a HUGE thank you to the parents who faithfully serve in various spots within MLC. None of this would be possible without you.

Lastly, we'd ask you to please take a look at the post about our Illness Policy if you missed it last week. This year's cold and flu season has been especially rough, and we know many of our member families have been dealing with sickness. We hope that February will see everyone return to better health, and we look forward to diving back into classes in a month. 

Stay healthy, stay warm, and stay safe!

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