
Illness Policy

In light of the current media attention on the measles outbreak, including some cases relatively local to us, we thought that this might be a good moment to reiterate our illness policy. From the Policies Tab on this site, here is MLC's Illness Policy for your review:

ILLNESS POLICY:If keeping a sick child home, well children may only attend classes if a parent/guardian is present with them. 
Children with the following symptoms should not attend group activities:
  1. Fever (within the last 24 hours)
  2. Colored mucus (yellow or green runny nose)
  3. Diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea
  4. Eye drainage, pink eye, or other eye infections
  5. Virus or infection (known to be contagious)
  6. Rashes (known to be contagious)
  7. Head Lice
This list is obviously not all-inclusive; please use your best judgment when deciding whether or not to expose other members to illness.

We would also like to point out that, among our membership, there are differences of opinion and practice regarding vaccinations. We ask that everyone be respectful of other families' rights to make decisions in this area based on their personal convictions, but also be mindful of your family's exposure to or diagnosis of serious illness, and the impact that could have on other co-op families. That impact may extend not only to families who may choose not to vaccinate, but also to other co-op members who may have weak or compromised immune systems due to various health conditions, etc.

If you are aware of a serious infection or exposure to a serious infection within your family, please avoid attending MLC events where you could spread germs. If you discover that you may have unknowingly exposed other co-op members to an illness, and feel comfortable sharing that information as a courtesy to the group, please email MLC and we will pass that info along so that others can be on the alert. We can share the info anonymously if you prefer.

Thank you, and stay healthy.

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