
Announcements 09.25.15

We finally got the first day of classes off the ground!!  THANK YOU to everyone who attended, worked on a team, pitched in, was patient with our growing pains, and generally contributed to a great first day. 

Here are some of the announcements we covered today, in case you missed them:

1. This website is our MAIN line of communication. Any posts created here will be automatically sent to your inbox IF you're subscribed to our news feed. If you're not automatically getting these posts in your email, please use the Subscribe feature at the top right of this website. You will receive an activation email - you must activate the subscription before it will begin working. Let us know if you have any problems or questions.  

2. A few days ago we created a post with some pre-class Announcements. If you didn't get a chance to read that information, and/or didn't get a condensed printed copy at classes this morning, please take a minute to read through it now.

3. Everyone is asked to join us in the Fellowship Hall each class day for Opening Announcements at 9:30, and again for Closing Announcements and Dismissal at the end of classes. Thank you for your cooperation.

4. Upcoming Dates on our CALENDAR:
     No classes next Friday, October 2: open for HOPE monthly meeting
     Remaining class dates for Term 1: October 9 & October 16
     Reminder: Term 1 Core Field Trip was eliminated because of cancellations
     Term 2 classes start on October 23

5. Please have your students who are in PE wear appropriate shoes. They will be running around and being very active, so for safety's sake we ask that they wear shoes that they can move easily in.  You are welcome to send a well-labeled water bottle to gym with your child if you like.

6. We try to ring the bell twice at the end of each class period. Please review the basic order in which we try to switch between classes. Keeping everyone on the same page helps to reduce crowding and confusion in the hallways, esp. with the littlest kids:
     1st Bell:  10:35 & 11:35:   3rd-5th and 6th-12 Grades pass to next class
                                              PreK-K and 1st-2nd Grades clean up
                                              Second Period adult workers report to your area
     2nd Bell: 10:40 & 11:40:   PreK-K and 1st-2nd Grades pass to next class

7. 3rd-5th Graders: When you switch from your First Period class upstairs, to the Gym downstairs, please line up along the hallway wall outside the Gym. The little kids will be leaving the Gym and Lego rooms and passing by you. We need to ask you, the older kids, to stay to the side and make room for the younger kids to get through. Thanks!

8. We will usually post any relevant announcements here on the website each week, after classes are over. We know kids are starting to get restless as classes end, and they can make it tough for parents to hear or remember the announcements, so watch your news feeds for a recap each week.

Thank you again, everyone!! We were super excited to see you all this morning and to get things up and running. See you in two weeks!


Announcements - Please read before classes start

Dear MLC Members,

We want to thank everyone once again for your flexibility over the last couple of weeks, as unexpected, last minute changes have popped up. 

We're looking forward to classes starting this Friday, September 25. Please take a few moments to read through these quick announcements BEFORE FRIDAY. Things will be busy for everyone that morning, so making yourselves familiar with these basic points will help keep everyone on the same page.

    9:30-9:45     Opening Announcements
  9:45-10:35     1st Hour Classes
10:35-10:45     Clean-up/Switch Classes
10:45-11:35     2nd Hour Classes
11:35-11:45     Clean-up/Go to Closing
11:45-12:00     Closing/Pick-up Children

1. Opening Announcements: We ask everyone to please join us downstairs in the Fellowship Hall for an opening prayer and announcements before classes start. We try very hard to start promptly at 9:30. Teachers and students are dismissed to their classes from the Hall.

2. Two bells will ring at the end of each class period: 
     10:35 - 3rd-5th & 6th-12th Grades pass to Second Period 
                 PreK-K & 1st-2nd Grades clean up
                 Adult helpers for Second Period, head to your posts
     10:40 - PreK-K & 1st-2nd Grades pass to Second Period

     11:35 - 3rd-5th & 6th-12th Grades pass to Fellowship Hall 
                 PreK-K & 1st-2nd Grades clean up
     11:40 - PreK-K & 1st-2nd Grades pass to Fellowship Hall

 - Keep in mind that the Fellowship Hall may be in use for a class as you arrive for closing. 

Sometimes, all of the Founding Members have their hands full at the end of a class period, and no one is available to ring the bell. Teachers and helpers, keep an eye on the clock, and if the bell doesn't ring as scheduled, go ahead and switch classes at the correct time. With the large number of students we have this year, it's important that we try to stick to the above times as closely as possible, to avoid excess chaos in the hallways.

3. Passing between classes: While MLC is holding classes, the staff of St. Paul's Church are going about their usual work. Please be courteous to our hosts and help maintain safety by keeping noise and disruption in the hallways to a minimum - this is especially important with our increased membership. Teachers and parents, please remind and encourage kids not to run, to use indoor voices in the hallways, and to move to the next class and clear the hallways as quickly as possible. 

4. Closing Announcements: All teachers should bring all classes back to the Fellowship Hall for dismissal after Second Period. No students should be dismissed to their parents from classrooms or hallways. Again, this is important to help manage the large number of students who will be in the building each week.

5. Restrooms: There are bathrooms upstairs, near the top of the stairway. Another small bathroom is at the bottom of the stairs not far from the nursery, and two more are off the corners of the Fellowship Hall. Please take your kids to the bathroom before classes start. We do not take scheduled group bathroom breaks during or between classes, though students are able to use the restroom as needed.

6. Parents: One parent from each member family is required to stay on the premises during classes. Under no circumstances should MLC be considered a drop-off activity! Please see our POLICIES page for further details. Parents who are not helping with a class are invited to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and some social time in the Heritage Room, which is adjacent to the Fellowship Hall. Please be aware that classes may be taking place in the Fellowship Hall or other adjacent spaces, so keep noise levels reasonable.

7. Food Allergies: If your child has any food sensitivities or other allergies, please let us know if you have not already done so. Snacks are not generally served during classes, but we'd like to cover all the bases.

8. Membership Dues: We hope to have at least one Founding Member free during both class periods this Friday, to assist any members who need to pay dues or take care of any other membership details. We will NOT be taking dues prior to the first class starting at 9:45, as there will be new members to welcome and other tasks to see to. Please plan on seeing a Founding Member during one of the two class periods if you need to pay membership dues or if you need help with anything else.

Thanks for taking a minute to get acquainted with the way we do things. We are so looking forward to finally getting our classes started! See you all on Friday!!




UPDATE: 10:00 AM Friday, Sept 18 - Park Day CANCELLED due to severe weather.

Dear MLC Members,

We hate to do this, especially after our last-minute decision to go to Carsten's Farm Days last week, but we have no choice but to CANCEL CLASSES for this FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2015.

Our hosts at St. Paul's are extremely generous and accommodating, but once in a rare while, circumstances occur in which they must put the needs of their church family over MLC's needs. This Friday morning is just such a circumstance - we've just learned that St. Paul's will be in use for the funeral services of a church member during the time that MLC would normally meet. These situations don't happen often, but when they do we must be understanding of the fact that we are guests, and that the church's ministry to its members must come first.

We did do some calling around to see if we could plan an alternate field trip, but unfortunately we haven't been able to find a venue where 150+ people can just drop in with so little notice. 

So, we're planning an informal park day at Dreamland Playground at Lake Manawa State Park. For returning members, this is the same park where we've met several times over the summer. For new members, the park features a very large and elaborate playground structure, shaded benches and picnic tables, plenty of parking, and bathrooms nearby. There's also a large, flat, grassy area, so bring your Frisbees, soccer balls, or any other outdoor play gear that you'd like to enjoy.  We'll meet at 10:00 am - bring sack lunches if you like, and perhaps a picnic blanket or lawn chairs.

If the weather is poor and we're forced to cancel the park day, we'll post it here on our website on Friday morning. Cross your fingers that that doesn't happen, but if the skies are threatening, check here before heading out.

PLEASE NOTE:  In order to make up for the lost day of classes, we're eliminating the Core Field Trip for Term 1, originally planned for Friday, October 16, and holding regular classes that day instead. So, teachers and all other members can plan on the following three class days for Term 1: September 25, October 9, and October 16

Friends, we're sorry to throw so many last-minute changes at you over the past couple of weeks, but this one was out of our control. Thank you for being flexible and understanding. We'll get the first day of classes off the ground soon, we promise! We look forward to seeing you at the park, and at classes on Friday the 25th.


Here's How You Can Help


Welcome, New MLC Members!

And, Welcome to Members who have been part of MLC in the past, and are returning after a break.

We're so excited to have you in the MLC family this year! Many of you have asked how and where you can help, and we're happy to share several ways that you can contribute to this year's success.

If you've been involved with co-ops in the past, you may have been asked to volunteer to teach immediately after signing up. That's not how MLC works. We want you to have a chance to settle into the group and get acquainted before committing to teaching. That's why we ask our Returning Members, who have been with us for a year or two, to help cover our teaching needs.

However, there are several areas where your help is greatly wanted and needed. A homeschool co-op is a cooperative venture, where many hands make light work. Everyone's participation is needed in order to offer positive activities for our kids. 

The great news is that the areas where we need New Members' help are fairly simple commitments, requiring little or no preparation in advance!! With the number of members we have to share the load, you should be able to pitch in several times during the year and still have plenty of opportunities to relax in the coffee room. Helping in these areas is also a great way to begin to get acquainted with the other parents working alongside you.

First, there are several spots to fill in the Nursery each week. We feel very strongly that this is an important ministry to offer to our members, several of whom must leave their little ones in the nursery while teaching other MLC classes. Samantha Sellers and Ashley Nielsen are the Returning Members leading the Nursery Team this year, and they'll be glad to show you the ropes. 

Second, there are also two periods of PE and Games and Crafts each time we meet. If you're still getting familiar with our schedule, the PreK-K and 1st-2nd Graders are all in PE / Games first period (which is a big group!), and 3rd-5th Graders are in PE / Games second period.  Rachelle Johnson is leading the PE/Games Team, and has some great ideas and enthusiasm to share with you. 

THANK YOU for your willingness to help make this a great year for all of our kids! We're so excited to have so many New Members on board, and we look forward to seeing you and your kids at MLC!

Please use the simple form below to choose the area in which you would most like to help, and your Team Leaders will contact you soon about scheduling dates. 

To see a list of the current TEAMS and team members, CLICK HERE or simply click on the TEAMS page above.