
10.17.14 Announcements

We start Term 2 next Friday, 10-24-14.  Thank you to everyone for helping make Term 1 a success!

Many Term 1 classes will continue into Term 2, but we will have printed copies of the rosters on hand Friday morning if anyone needs to double check where their students are supposed to go.

Thank you for the wonderful response from many of you in signing up for helper spots. The sign up sheet is nearly full!  There are still a few open spots, in order of priority: 

     1. Second hour Legos with the 3rd-5th Grade needs two adults
     2. Second hour PE with the 3rd-5th Grade has a teacher, but we need a helper
     3. We could use up to two more Nursery workers first hour, and one second hour

If you are participating in classes in Term 2 and do not yet have a helper spot, please email us or message us on Facebook to let us know which of those jobs would suit you best.

Thanks again to everyone for their helping spirit and willingness to share the work. 

See you next week!


Mom's Night Out

Mindful Mom Members will be gathering at Shuck's Fish House and Oyster Bar1218 S. 119th Street, Omaha, NE, at 6:30 pm on Monday, October 13, 2014

While there is no doubt we love spending time with our children {isn't that why we homeschool?!}, we are looking forward to an evening without potty interruptions, sticky fingers, and sibling quarrels.  With that said, only nursing babies are allowed to join 
the Moms on this night.  So, get a sitter and come join us for some good old fashioned face time.

Look forward to seeing you there!

If you have any questions about the Mindful Mom's Night Out,
please email us at MindfulLearningCenter@gmail.com

This event is now on our CALENDAR.
This event requires an RSVP.

Please RSVP using the form below. 


10-10-14 Announcements

1. Thank you to everyone who brought items to share at our first Swap Shop of the year. We hope that many families found useful items to take home. Our next Swap Shop will be on Friday, November 21.

2. A calendar reminder for all members: Next week, Friday, October 17, will be a regular class day at St. Paul's, NOT a field trip as previously scheduled. We are using next Friday as a make-up day for the classes we needed to cancel a few weeks ago.

3. Mindful Mom's Night Out is this coming Monday, October 13 at 6:30 pm. We'll be visiting Shuck's Fish House and Oyster Bar. Further details to follow soon - we hope you can join us!

4. Term 2 will be starting soon! Thank you to everyone who signed up for Term 2 Helper spots this morning. We will have the sign up sheet available again next Friday, and hope to have all the spots covered by then, so that we are organized and prepared in advance of the first day of the new Term. Thanks to everyone who has been pitching in to help make things run.

See you next week!


Swap Shop this Friday!

This Friday, September 26, MLC will be holding its first Swap Shop of the year.

We've scheduled Swap Shop four times this year, on the THIRD CLASS DAY of each term. Those dates are listed on our CALENDAR in September, November, January, and March.

What is Swap Shop? It's a FREE garage sale for MLC Members only. No money changes hands. Just bring useful items from home that you no longer want so that they can be a blessing to other members. Bring what you like, take what you can use. You don't have to bring something to take something, and it's not restricted to homeschool-related items only. You may want to bring a tote bag, clothes basket, etc. to use to carry items home.

We ask that you please pick up any items you brought that did not get claimed by someone else. In other words, please take your own leftover items back home with you.

Swap Shop runs during normal class time - you may begin bringing items in at 9 am, and please pick up leftover items by 12 pm.  Enjoy!


Vala's Pumpkin Patch - Thursday

We are headed to Vala's Pumkin Patch this week!  Thursday, October 9th, we will meet at the front gate at 9 am.  The pumpkin patch is always more fun with friends, so come out to join us! 

A few notes about the trip:
  • You should bring your MLC membership card.  This is a requirement of Vala's, to show proof that you are a homeschool family with our group. (If you forget, you may have to pay full price addmission.  If you haven't received your membership card, send us an email and someone will bring it to Vala's for you.)
  • Prices for adults and older students, ages 13 and over, are $7.25. Includes Admission, Train Ride, all attractions and live shows. Babies, ages 2 and under, are free.  You can pay at the gate.
  • You must pre-register by Wednesday morning at 9am to get a special addmission rate for this field trip.  To sign up for the field trip, simply send us an email at MindfulLearningCenter@gmail.com with your name and the names of the children and/or adults coming with you.  ****Vala's staff said that any parents or children not on our "pre-registration list" will pay full price addmisssion.***

For more information about the location, visit http://www.valaspumpkinpatch.com