
01.30.15 Announcements

We're now finished with regular classes for Term 3. Thank you to everyone who helped us make things work, and thank you again for your flexibility as we've juggled quite a few last-minute changes.  

We do not meet again for classes for four more weeks, with our next regular class on Friday, February 27.  Please take a look ahead on the CALENDAR at what is scheduled for the Fridays in February:

  • February 6: no MLC events.
  • February 13: Valentine's Day party??? - please see below.
  • February 20: Term 3 Field Trip.  Details to follow soon.
  • February 27: Term 4 classes begin. 

Valentine's Day Party: We're still searching for an alternate venue, but haven't found anything workable yet. If you know of a place where we could hold the party, please let us know ASAP. Another church building might work well. If we don't find something within the next few days, we'll postpone the party and try again on a different date with a different theme.

Term 4: We were planning to have a helper sign-up sheet at classes yesterday, but first we need to do a little juggling and reorganizing of teaching spots, etc. before we know what spots need to be filled.  We'll create an online helper sign-up post here on the website as we get closer to that date. Please be watching for that in the coming weeks, and prayerfully consider where you'd like to serve. As always, we want to say a HUGE thank you to the parents who faithfully serve in various spots within MLC. None of this would be possible without you.

Lastly, we'd ask you to please take a look at the post about our Illness Policy if you missed it last week. This year's cold and flu season has been especially rough, and we know many of our member families have been dealing with sickness. We hope that February will see everyone return to better health, and we look forward to diving back into classes in a month. 

Stay healthy, stay warm, and stay safe!


Illness Policy

In light of the current media attention on the measles outbreak, including some cases relatively local to us, we thought that this might be a good moment to reiterate our illness policy. From the Policies Tab on this site, here is MLC's Illness Policy for your review:

ILLNESS POLICY:If keeping a sick child home, well children may only attend classes if a parent/guardian is present with them. 
Children with the following symptoms should not attend group activities:
  1. Fever (within the last 24 hours)
  2. Colored mucus (yellow or green runny nose)
  3. Diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea
  4. Eye drainage, pink eye, or other eye infections
  5. Virus or infection (known to be contagious)
  6. Rashes (known to be contagious)
  7. Head Lice
This list is obviously not all-inclusive; please use your best judgment when deciding whether or not to expose other members to illness.

We would also like to point out that, among our membership, there are differences of opinion and practice regarding vaccinations. We ask that everyone be respectful of other families' rights to make decisions in this area based on their personal convictions, but also be mindful of your family's exposure to or diagnosis of serious illness, and the impact that could have on other co-op families. That impact may extend not only to families who may choose not to vaccinate, but also to other co-op members who may have weak or compromised immune systems due to various health conditions, etc.

If you are aware of a serious infection or exposure to a serious infection within your family, please avoid attending MLC events where you could spread germs. If you discover that you may have unknowingly exposed other co-op members to an illness, and feel comfortable sharing that information as a courtesy to the group, please email MLC and we will pass that info along so that others can be on the alert. We can share the info anonymously if you prefer.

Thank you, and stay healthy.


01.23.15 Announcements

Over the past few weeks, we have had to do a lot of last-minute juggling of classes and teachers. Thank you to everyone for your flexibility and for your willingness to roll with the punches.

Next Friday, January 30, is the final class day of Term 3. Please take a look ahead on the CALENDAR at February, because the next several weeks are an odd mixture of events.

  • We're off on February 6th so our members may attend the HOPE meeting if desired.
  • February 13th is still listed as our Valentine's Day party. If you missed previous announcements, we recently found out that St. Paul's has another event that day and the building is not available to us. We're trying to find another venue or come up with an alternate plan, and will let you all know as soon as possible what we've worked out.
  • Our Term 3 Field Trip is on February 20th. Details to follow soon.
  • Term 4 begins on February 27th. Again, we're needing to do a little juggling of teachers and classes because of some unexpected changes. We will have a sign-up sheet for Term 4 helper spots next Friday, January 30, and may need to ask members to lead some additional classes like PE, Legos, etc.
Thanks for your patience while we sort a few of these things out. We're so grateful for everyone's positive attitudes and support. See you next Friday!

PS. Several students in yesterday's 3rd-5th grade science class expressed an interest in doing further reading on the topic. Leah posted several links on the Facebook page. If your student was in that class and wants those links, but you are not on Facebook, just email MLC and we'll get those links to you via email.


01.16.15 Announcements

  • We asked for volunteers to plan our Valentine's Day Party on February 13th. Thank you to those who offered to help. HOWEVER - we just learned this afternoon that we have a conflict. St. Paul's building is not available to us that day due to another event being held. We are discussing our options and will update everyone as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience.
  • We've had to do some juggling with classes, teachers, etc. over the last two weeks, so thank you to everyone for being flexible and for being willing to pitch in where needed.

See you next Friday!


01.09.15 Announcements

Thanks to everyone who bundled up against the cold and joined us for the start of Term 3! Welcome to a few new and newly returning members!

Just a few CALENDAR reminders to point out: 

  • Mom's Night Out is this coming Monday, January 12th. We're planning to go to Omaha's Greek Islands restaurant. More details and an RSVP form to follow soon.
  • We meet again for classes next Friday, January 16th.
  • We'll be holding Swap Shop in two weeks, on Friday, January 23rd.

Our Valentine's Day Party is also approaching on Friday, February 13th. We'd like to ask for three or four moms to volunteer to plan the party. There is a budget available for treats and decorations. Any interested moms should let one of the Founding Members know that they'd like to participate.

See you next week!